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Sunday, October 17, 2010

A composter dream come true

I was not really thinking about a tumbling composter until I saw one at Home Depot. Since that moment, I was restless, because I really wanted to start putting to use all the darn leaves that my neighbors' two trees are shedding into my yard. I hate to put them in the trash, or even in the recycled bags, because I know that they could be a great (and free) nutrition for my yard. So, I was preoccupied with various composing dreams and ideas for several days before I decided to bring the subject up with my husband. Since he did not mind, I went and bought the pretty-looking black behemoth called Garden Views 60 Gal. Dynamic Spinning Composter
at Home Deport for $98. It looked awesome on the picture. I did my research - there were not alot of reviews on that item on the Net, but at least one guy reported liking it, so I decided to take a plunge. So, I brought my purchase home, glowing with anticipation.

But putting that little boy together proved to be a mission impossible for me. The barrel was made of thin interlocking plastic sections that would not snap together for me no matter how I tried. After 30 or 40 min of puffing and cussing, I finally broke one of the snapping extensions, and that was the end of it (and of my patience). I tossed all the parts back into the box and sadly headed back to Home Depot to do a return.

But the vivid dreams of a tumbling composter were still marching through in my inner vision. So, from Home Depot I drove straight to Lowes and, to my delight, they were carrying a different, seemingly more sturdy version - Suncast 49 Gal Tumbling Composter for $98. The barrel looked pre-assembled, which was a selling point for me. I took the new baby home the same day.

Even though the barrel came in two large pieces and required little assembly, getting the rest of the construction set up took some time and some help from my husband.

 But eventually (about an hour later), the joy of my heart was standing up and looking pretty in our dining room.

The whole thing was bigger and heavier than I would like, and I was not quiet sure where in my yard it would actually fit, but those minor consideration could not distract me from my joy - I was now a tumbling composter owner, and I was ready to start composting!

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